In Focus

Impactful Work
Continues to Flourish!


The world is changing and our education system needs to evolve with it.

Our current education system was established to create employees, from the manufacturing model of the nineteenth and 20th centuries. The 21st century requires a rethink of this. Change is happening fast and our students are growing up in a world where jobs are not certain or guaranteed.

Much of what is taught in our current education system is either not relevant to students lives today or can be googled. Being able to memorise the formula for working out the circumference of a circle has little value for most professions and if required can be googled.  Thinking must therefore become the centre of our curriculum – not memorisation of information to be forgotten the day after the test.

Traditionally the ‘soft skills’ have been mostly avoided in schools because they are harder to measure. These soft skills include persistence, flexibility in thinking, the ability to listen with understanding and empathy, metacognition, resilience, creativity, communicating with clarity, self-management, and being open to continual learning.

Our education system needs to change because whilst the system still holds an unofficial pass rate of 50% the need for accuracy in the 21st Century is much higher than this. What accuracy rate do you want your hairdresser, builder, mechanic, doctor or pilot working on? This new age sees the need for higher precision than that which is generally accepted by our school system.

SHINING SOULS (Trust) which is registered from India capital, New Delhi, whose registration number is 982, registered under Indian Trust Act 1882, is starting a common Whatsapp platform for Educationist, Managers, Principals, Teachers, Counselors & Psychologists.

SHINING SOULS believes that through exchange of ideas and proper healthy discussions we can change the things which is seriously needed in the education field at all the stages of education, i.e., primary level, secondary level and senior secondary level.

SHINING SOULS is taking an initiative to form a healthy group of Educators who all are playing a vital role in building up the nation.

In order to create and maintain the best possible system of learning for our children, and to nurture and protect our country’s educators, candid discussions about the education sector should be encouraged.

“Changing systems and moving goalposts are challenging teachers every day.”

To create a progressive and future focused education system I believe it needs to be centred around the life skills required to be a contributing citizen of the world, have a focus on thinking, and practical applications of knowledge and understanding. This will require a rethink of everything we know and understand about schools.

Our students today deserve an education that will be an integral part of the potentially challenging life-long learning journey of living in the 21st Century and beyond. We are not there yet! If we are bold enough to do things differently it is possible.

So, if you are interested in joining the SHINING SOULS Whatsapp platform, feel free to send a confirmation mail of joining the group on .

After a healthy groups developed, SHINING SOULS will organise a MEGA CONFERENCE with all the respected group members in different state of India.

We will highly appreciate your joining and you are heartily welcome to SHINING SOULS platform.

If you are interested in joining the platform, please revert back on, with your Name, Designation, School Name and Address.


  • Inter School Exchange Programme
  • Competitions
  • Workshop
  • Seminar
  • Conference
  • Cultural Events
  • Guidance and Mentoring


Thanks & Regards


Do you think that the coming time is going to be very frightening? According to which, the threats of climate crisis are flourishing on our earth, can we try to lead a healthy life in these circumstances?

Do you think it is important to act urgently on the threat of the climate crisis?

What do you think are the threats from the climate crisis?

What suggestions do you have for overcoming these threats?

I think we all need to work on this now. The time to think is out of our hands.

What is your opinion and suggestion?

Please share your views on

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