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Women Empowerment

The nation's progress hinges on the empowerment and strengthening of women. Influential figures widely acknowledge that women's empowerment is crucial for societal and national advancement. Promoting entrepreneurship among women is vital to achieving self-reliance and socio-economic independence.

  • Women Development Forum: As one of the best NGOs for Women Development Programs in India, we have established forums that empower women through capacity building and awareness programs, encouraging them to join small-scale industries.

  • Village Committees: Our Women Development Committees in the villages of Gopalganj, Bihar, and Udaipur, Rajasthan, assist women in capacity building and income generation.

  • Support and Guidance: We offer support and guidance to aspiring women from rural and urban areas, helping them become successful entrepreneurs regardless of their age, academic, social, or economic background.

  • Skill Development: Educated but underprivileged women from rural areas are encouraged to learn additional computer skills to enhance their employability.

  • Core Program of Shining Souls: Women's development is a core program at Shining Souls. Recognizing that women comprise almost 50% of the population, we place them at the centre of all our activities.

  • Exposure Trips and Training: Our team sponsors numerous exposure trips and training sessions for women in villages and slum areas to broaden their horizons and skillsets.

  • Awareness Programs: We execute various awareness programs that have successfully increased women's participation in village meetings, with attendance rising to twenty-five per cent.

  • Holistic Development: For the holistic development of rural and tribal women, we organise programs that include both men and women, promoting harmony and reducing gender indifference. Our team supports groups that comprise both men and women to foster inclusive development.

By focusing on these initiatives, we strive to create a society where women can thrive, contribute, and lead alongside men, driving collective progress and prosperity. Our efforts in Delhi and across India have established us as one of the best NGOs for women development programs.

Our Women Empowerment Events

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MISSION MEERA (A Women Driving Training Programme)

Women Driving Programme Conducted by Shining Souls Trust & Shri Nath Ji Sewa Sansthan


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Self Defense Training Programme

Self Defense Training Programme Conducted by Shining Souls from 4th of Jan 2020. The Event will organize on every Saturday on Different Locations of India.


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