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Empowering Youth: Join Our Interactive Seminar and Q&A Session

At Shining Souls, we're committed to nurturing the well-being of our youth. We believe that promoting healthy sexual behaviors among adolescent students is pivotal for their overall development and future success. To address this, we're excited to announce our upcoming seminar and Q&A session.

๐Ÿ“š Who's Invited?

- **Students:** Because knowledge is power, and informed choices lead to a brighter future.

- **Teachers:** As educators, you play a vital role in shaping young minds.

- **Principals:** School leaders, your support is instrumental in creating a safe learning environment.

- **Managers:** Guidance from experienced professionals ensures well-rounded development.

- **Doctors:** Expert insights on physical and emotional health are invaluable.

- **Counselors:** Your guidance helps students navigate life's challenges.

Many More ...

Our seminar will focus on a variety of essential topics, including adolescent sexual health, building safe and respectful relationships, and fostering holistic development. We believe that knowledge, awareness, and open communication are key to ensuring the well-being of our youth.

It's not just our responsibility; it's a shared commitment. Parents, schools, healthcare professionals, and society must work together to provide comprehensive, age-appropriate, and non-judgmental sexual education. By empowering adolescents with the right information, we empower them to make informed decisions and lead fulfilling lives.

Have questions or suggestions? We welcome your valuable input. Feel free to send your queries to

๐Ÿ—“๏ธ Event Details:

- **Date:** In the month of May 2024

- **Location:** Delhi

Final Date and Venue will be announced in December 2023

๐ŸŒŸ What to Expect:

- **Seminar:** An informative session covering vital aspects of adolescent sexual health and well-being.

- **Q&A Session:** An opportunity to get your questions answered by experts.

- **Role Play:** Interactive scenarios to help us better understand and address real-life situations.

Join us in supporting our youth's well-being. Together, we can make a positive impact and empower them for a brighter future. 

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